Why would I choose Hitler to show the mythical relationship between religion and violence? There are several reasons. First, he is so well known, and many people have unwavering beliefs in his honesty and theological knowledge. .Google the phrase "Hitler was a Christian," and you get a return of 56,000.000 sites. Do the same for Billy Graham and get a little less than half of that number.
The poor reasoning or fallacies used to classify Hitler as a Christian are same fallacies used to classify many crazies as Christians. The following fallacies are the most common for associating religion with violence : underlying cause, dunning Kruger, blind spot bigotry, appeal to celebrity, equivocation fallacy, guilt by association, genetic fallacy, and cherry-picking.
Several generations have passed since Hitler died of lead poisoning (a loaded pistol is an excellent administrative device for such a horrible human). Several generations are enough time for myths to crop up, and much information was kept secret until 2017. It seems it was kept confidential to protect the guilty.Today, however, we have over 150 bound volumes of information related to the Nuremberg Trial that was kept secret until 2017. Much of this website is based on that information.
Whoopi's whopper is based on a logical fallacy: underlying cause. Establishing her belief on one cause is a bit absurd. The logic is stated below:
The poor logic in concluding that Hitler was a Christian is a logical fallacy. Whoopi's whopper logic is
Premise 1: Christians do not like Catholics
Premise 2: Hitler did not like Catholics
Conclusion: Hitler was a Christian.
It makes as much sense as
Premise 1: Old TV sets are black and white
Premise 2: Penguins are black and white
Conclusion: Penguins are old TV sets
The premises of the above arguments do not infer the conclusion. I'm sure there are some Christians who do not like Catholics, but the first premise in the Whopper is not sound.
Joy Behr just proclaims something with no reason.
Dunning Kruger is a cognitive bias. Simply put, it is when people know so little about a topic that they are unaware of their ignorance. This is common with religion; many people know so little about Christianity they criticize religion but are clueless. Thank you, Whoopi, for your excellent example; you are not alone.
I believe everyone has bias, but few, if anyone, sees their own bias. Whoopi and Joy do not see theirs. What is worse, the audacious audience applauds the homicidal Hitler. Sad.
Perhaps I'm too hard on Whoopi. After all, she is on TV. But, unfortunately, being famous affects some peoples' judgment of the validity of what they say. The audience, without thinking on their own, must acceptindependentlycelebrity's the celebrities statements.
Both Whoopi and Joy exude confidence when talking. If that confident, is it possible for them to be wrong?
Underlying cause fallacy:
Wow, Whoopi: "He didn't like Catholics " Of course, Whoopi is correct, but that is hardly the underlying cause of his hatred. dislikeThe book on Hitler's personality states his likes and dislikes. This analysis was a part of OSS records (Office of Strategic Services, a precursor to the FI). It is based on Mein Kamph and various people who had significant interactions with Hitler. Per Murray:" Most of Hitler's sentiments are well known and have already been listed: "his high valuation of power, glory, dictatorship, nationalism, militarism, and brutality; and his low valuation of weakness, indecision, tolerance, compassion, peace, rational debate, democracy, bolshevism, materialism, capitalism, the Jewish race, Christianity." http://reader.library.cornell.edu/docviewer/digital?id=nur01134#page/29/mode/1up (21-22) Murray
I'm sure some atheists dislike Catholics, but it is laughable to think they would kill anyone. Hitler was a cesspool of underlying causes.
Was Hitler an emotionally even even-keeled person? From the book "Analysis of The Personality of Adolf Hitler," Not really; he had problems other than his dislike of Catholics.
Per Murray, he had "emotional outbursts, tantrums of rage and accusatory indignation ending in tears in self-pity; succeeded by periods of inertia, exhaustion, melancholy, and indecisiveness (accompanied sometimes by hours of acute dejection and disquieting nightmares) leading to recuperation; and finally, confident and resolute decision to counter-attack with great force and ruthlessness. The entire cycle may run its course in 24 hours, or it may be weeks before the aggressive decision of the third stage is reached."
http://reader.library.cornell.edu/docviewer/digital?id=nur:01134#page/22/mode/1up (15)
I must agree he was a little bit moody.
But that's not all. "Hitler is a victim of temper tantrums which have increased in intensity and frequency during the last 10 years. Atypical seizure consists of one pacing, shouting, cursing, blaming, accusations of treachery and betrayal; to weeping an exhibition of self-pity; and then falling on the floor, foaming at the mouth, and biting the carpet. The man has some control over these epileptic form attacks, using them to get his own way with his close associates."(88) Biting the carpet? Perhaps his diet was low in fiber.
Murray describes hysterical dissociation:dissociation: " He experience periods of , violent emotional outbursts, visions of hallucinatory clarity."
http://reader.library.cornell.edu/docviewer/digital?id=nur:01134#page/32/mode/1up (25) Too much coffee?
In his Hitler analysis, Murray brings up Marquis de Sade; I don't believe this is fair to de Sade. De Sade usually connected violence with sex, and Hitler took pleasure and relief from more disgusting violence and torture. Murray gives examples."Although the will to power is the central principle, fused with it is a vindictiveness which takes pleasure in the painful humiliation of his adversaries." Also, "The purge of 1934, the anti-somatic atrocities, the unspeakable crimes committed in Poland, these in many other actions executed or ordered by Hitler demonstrate the extent of his sadism and revengefulness.
http://reader.library.cornell.edu/docviewer/digital?id=nur01134#page/2/mode/1up page 176-77
Add to these sadistic characteristics, both hysterical dissociation and all the symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia it is safe to say he had some mental health issues as some of his underlying issues.
This type of pleasure was common amongst the Nazis, and they didn't learn this from the "Sermon on the Mount."
He had a way with the ladies. But when he heated things between the sheets, they took the honorable way out: suicide. It's easy to blame guns, but it was quick and gave immediate relief from methane toxicity.
One of the three closest girls in his life survived ten years after the attempt.
I'm not making this up; well, I'm making up the "don't come back and see me in the morning. In all seriousness, the strychnine in those pills might not have killed him, but they didn't help.
"like naïve Christians and their spiritual opportunists, a human type being, who sits around somewhere in the sphere.... " Marty that's just mean.
Overbearing, Bormann was the number two Nazi in Germany. Information went from Adolf and through Marty to the government. The letter below went to 42 gauleiters (similar to governors in the United States). Lord, God, and Almighty meant one thing to Christians but something different to Hateful Hitler and the Nazis. Below is a letter written on June 7, 1941.
"When we National Socialists speak of a belief in God, we do not understand by GodGod, like naïve Christians and their spiritual opportunists, a human type being, who sits around somewhere in the sphere...
"The force of natural law, with which all these innumerable planets move in the universe we call the Almighty or God. The claim that this world force ...can be influenced by so-called prayers or other astonishing things is based upon a proper dose of naivete or on a business shamelessness.
"As opposed to that, we National Socialists impose on ourselves and demand to live naturally as much as possible, i.e., biologically. The more accurately we recognize and observe the laws of nature and of life, the more we adhere to them, so much the more do we conform to the will. of the Almighty. The more insight we have into the will of the Almighty, the greater will be our successes."
Maybe misleading Marty got up on the wrong side of the bed. The terms God, Lord, and the Almighty can be ambiguous. Their beliefs were similar to pantheism (the universe is God).
About the "live as much as possible, i.e., biologically," were you thinking this when you took cyanide, or were you conforming "to the will of the Almighty." How nice of the Russians to acclimate you to your future abode.
Hitler painted a blond-haired, blue-eyed Jesus, and some people then and now believe it. But the baby in the painting is not Jesus of the Christian faith, and the mother was per Hitler, a Greek woman with a Roman soldier husband. Call the baby what you want, but a gentile Jesus is n not the Jesus of the Christian faith. It is absurd.ts like trying to put a square peg in a round hole; it is awkward and does not make sense.
This list could go on and on, but the Blonde-haired, blu-eyed Jesus is not the Christian Jesus.
To make this blue-eye, blond-haired Jesus, the Nazis made a few changes to the Christian Bible.
As crazy as this is, there were groups of people during Hitler's time who accepted the gentile Jesus, and people today have similar beliefs. These people believe they have an idea of Christianity but are an example of the Dunning-Kruger fallacy.
Hitler needed support from a country that was 90% Christian. In the earlier part of his career, Hitler's solution was to pretend he was Christian until he gained total power. In 1935 he used the picture to prove his Christianity. Although not a fallacy, pictures have more of an effect on people than writing, which was the reason for the image. The picture on the left was in Heinrich Hoffman's collection in 1935 but doctored for the 1938 edition.
Hitler's Religion.The Twisted Beliefs That Drove the Third Reich page 68-69
In a speech in 1922, while running for a government position, he said: "My feeling as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man, who, once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! Was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man, I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was his fight against the Jewish poison? Today, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed his blood upon the Cross. As a Christian, I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice. And as a man, I have the duty to see to it that human society does not suffer the same catastrophic collapse as did the civilization of the ancient world some two thousand years ago—a civilization that was driven to its ruin through this same Jewish people." Let's look at this story.
This image is from a German school book in Nazi Germany. The blond-haired woman is telling how the Jews killed Jesus. As mentioned earlier is absurd. Yet, today in the United States, churches that believe Jesus was a Gentile still exist. Even the Southern Poverty Law Center reports these churches as Christian in name only.
There are well over 200,000 churches in the united states and nine groups of Christian Identity Movement groups. This does not matter to some people; they respect Hitler's honesty and refuse to believe in a Jewish Jesus. After all, has there ever been a better theologian?
Well over 99% of terrorism blamed on Christians in the United States is associated with the Gentile Jesus
What is positive Christianity? It ain't positive, and it ain't Christian. Its primary tenants are:
It doesn't sound positive to me, and the belief that Jesus was bizarre. Think about it
Hitler and the Nazis initially encouraged this church, which believed in the Gentile Jesus. They hoped to combine Gentile Jesus Churches and Jewish Jesus Churches. The Nazis were allowed to attend the Reich Church, but not the other. The blogosphere is filled with photos in the Reich Church and were used as a propaganda. At the time it was helpful to the Nazis and today many people are unaware of the difference.
Look, they are BFFs. Of course, they are! I wouldn't call Hitler and Reich Bishop Ludwig Mueller friends, but they did know each other, and Hitler did not kill him. Lud was a Gentile Jesus believer, a leader in the Reich Church, and was rewriting the Bible to fit his beliefs.
The smiling Ludwig Muller actually won his position as Reich Bishop by-election ( actually, he came in second). . Friedrich von Bodelschwingh won the election but resigned for some reason. Hitler was the "reason," and Ludwig, who believed in a blue-eyed, blond-haired Jesus, was not surprisingly appointed. This was on July 20, 1933.
Within a couple of months, the destruction of the churches began. You can read the entire 92-page document prepared for the Nuremberg trials or read my quick summary at the end of this page.
Cherry-picking is a flaw in reasoning. An example is looking at a cherry tree with lots of cherries ready for picking, picking one rotten cherry, and reporting all the cherries on the tree are rotten. The person ignores all the good cherries and focuses on one cherry.
Hitler did this with the Bible, and today many on the blogosphere pick out a couple of sentences from his speeches and ignore the rest. Note the 1922 speech when Hitler was a young politician in a country that was 90% Christian. Hitler chose one story about Jesus chasing commercial activity out of the Temple and then lies and disregarded most of the Bible. Today, those who love and respect Hitler as a theologian, and a man who would never lie, disregard 99% of Hitler's speeches.
In a speech in 1922, while running for a government position, he said: "My feeling as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man, who, once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man, I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was his fight against the Jewish poison? Today, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion, I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed his blood upon the Cross. As a Christian, I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice. And as a man, I have the duty to see to it that human society does not suffer the same catastrophic collapse as did the civilization of the ancient world some two thousand years ago—a civilization that was driven to its ruin through this same Jewish people." Let's look at this story.
Clearly Hitler only accepts a Gentile Jesus and speaks and his made-up Jesus was fighter. Other than turning over some tables there was no fighting. Jesus didn't even defend himself verbally in court much less physically. Clearly Dunning Kruger fallacy was prevalent in Hitler's Germany and just as prevalent in our world today.
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One of the most famous photographs of Hitler and is used as proof that Hitler was a Christian and the Christian Church was in cahoots with the Nazis to spread hate and violence. This faulty logic is called guilt by association. The photograph was used to fool people, it did so, and more today than ever before. The supposed protestant minister's (he believed in the blue-eyed blond-haired Jesus) primary purpose was to mix the churches with National Socialism. It did not work.
The photograph was taken in 1933 to celebrate Hitler's increased power. Mueller, the man, shaking hands with Hitler, was handpicked by Hitler. His beliefs were identical to Hitler's, and his job was to convert Germans into one new religion, which was a mixture of Hitler's religious beliefs and German Nationalism. That is why many photographs and pictures with Christian symbols and National Socialists Symbols mistakenly give the impression the two were working together. They were not. Below is a quick summary of Hitler's actions after the photograph.
Since 2017, the world has had access to thousands of pages of information collected by the Office of Strategic Services (O.S.S.), the precursor to the C.I.A., used against the Nazis during Nuremberg. https://lawcollections.library.cornell.edu/nuremberg/catalog/nur:00773 "S.R. &3114.4/
The Nazi Master Plan/ Annex 4: The Persecution of the Christian Churches / Office of Strategic Services / Research and Analysis Branch / Draft for the War Crimes Staff/ Approved by the Prosecution Review Board / CONFIDENTIAL." it is just over 90 pages. Although just a summary of the Nazi's actual beliefs. Below is a quick summary of the 90-page document. The numbers at the end of the reference are the page number in the document.
The brave Nazis released the seven Catholic girls who distributed church materials; weren't they kind?http://reader.library.cornell.edu/docviewer/digital?id=nur:01562#page/16/mode/1up
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